Briony Downes , ART COLLECTOR, September 14, 2020

Our Pull Focus video series takes its lead from our print magazine feature of the same name. Here, we focus in on what makes a particular artwork WORK as a work of art. Watch Briony Downes in conversation with artist Izabela Pluta about her Blue spectrum and descent series, created in response to the underwater research she completed in Japan in 2018.



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Izabela Pluta, 26 Variations* from Blue spectrum and descent, 2020. Cyanotypes on watercolour paper, 52 x 42cm (framed, white box w/glazing), 50.5 x 40.5cm (sheet), overall installation 156 x 672cm.





Izabela Pluta, Blue spectrum and descent 9 (Variation 2), 2020. Cyanotype on watercolour paper, unique edition, 52 x 42cm (framed, white box w/glazing), 50.5 x 40.5cm (sheet).

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