Finalist: Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize

Kyoko Hashimoto and Guy Keulemans
Friday 3 June - Sunday 7 August 2022 
10am to 5pm daily
South Australian Museum
Bioregional Rings (Central Coast)
These rings showcase materials foraged within one bioregion; a region described by natural features rather than human-made borders. As response to the insensitivity of globalised supply chains our work intends to draw sensitivity to the local richness of place. A distinguishing characteristic of these uncommon design materials is their relationship to time. Sandstone and coal form geologically over millions of years, while sea sponges grow in seasonal cycles. Meanwhile, driftwood and waste marine plastic highlight the spectrum of properties across natural and artificial categories, as well as the permeability of earthen spaces as constantly shifting material ecologies.
Hawkesbury sandstone, coal, drift wood, pumice stone, sea sponge, fishing line, marine plastic, sand, neodymium magnet and sterling silver
By Kyoko Hashimoto and Guy Keulemans, South Australia
June 3, 2022
of 186