Izabela PlutaOceanic Atlas (vanishing), 2020Pigment Print on Eco Solvent Cotton Rag Paper200 x 114 cm (aluminium shadow frame, unglazed)
3 variations -
Izabela PlutaUntitled #2 (stair), 2020pigment print on Eco Solvent cotton rag paper150 x 184 cm (aluminium shadow frame, unglazed)Edition of 3 plus 2 AP
Izabela PlutaUntitled 3 (from Apparent Distance), 2019pigment print on aluminium45 x 45 cmEdition of 5 plus 2 AP
Izabela PlutaUntitled 5 (from Apparent Distance), 2019pigment print on aluminiumTBCEdition of 5 plus 2 AP
Izabela PlutaUntitled 9 (from Apparent Distance), 2019pigment print on aluminium45 x 45 cmEdition of 5 plus 2 AP
Izabela PlutaGlass, 2011pigment print on cotton rag paper, (framed, white box w/glazing)76.2 x 76.2 cmEdition of 5 plus 2 AP
Izabela PlutaBlue spectrum and descent 9 (Variation 2), 2020Cyanotype on watercolour paper52 x 42 cm (framed, white box w/glazing)
50.5 x 40.5 cm (sheet)
Unique -
Izabela Pluta, Blue spectrum and descent 17 (Variation 1), 2020
Izabela PlutaBlue spectrum and descent 18 (Variation 1), 2020cyanotype on watercolour paper50.5 x 40.5 cm
Izabela Pluta, Blue spectrum and descent 20 (Variation 1), 2020
Izabela PlutaBlue spectrum and descent 21 (Variation 1), 2020cyanotype on watercolour paper50.5 x 40.5 cm
Izabela PlutaBlue spectrum and descent 22 (Variation 1), 2020cyanotype on watercolour paper50.5 x 40.5 cm
Izabela Pluta26 variations* from Blue spectrum and descent, 2020cyanotypes on watercolour paper52 x 42 cm (framed, white box w/glazing)
50.5 x 40.5 cm (sheet)
156 x 672 cm (overall Installation) -
Izabela Pluta5 variations* from Blue spectrum and descent, 2020Cyanotypes on watercolour paper52 x 42 cm (framed, white box w/glazing)
50.5 x 40.5 cm (sheet)
104 x 168 cm (overall Installation)
Unique -
Izabela Pluta, 15 variations* from Blue spectrum and descent, 2020