QVMAG and Ten Days presents NOMADS OF THE SEA

Lisa Reihana
3 MAR – 28 MAY
10AM – 4PM
QVMAG Royal Park, Launceston



Nomads of the Sea weaves historical fact with speculative fiction to explore the social tension between cultural leadership, spiritual custom and egotistical desire in the face of foreign political challenge in 1800’s Aotearoa New Zealand.
In this immersive video installation we learn of Charlotte Badger, a pakeha (Western) woman who is embroiled in a mutiny, stealing a vessel that sails from Takina/Port Dalrymple in Lutruwita/Tasmania to the Bay of Islands in Aotearoa New Zealand. A Māori Chief welcomes the fugitive Charlotte into his tribal homelands under his protection, thereby upsetting the traditional role of women in Aotearoa as the matriarchs, owners of property and spiritual custodians.
Puhi, a proud woman of Ngā Puhi descent becomes jealous of Charlotte’s rising status. Charlotte’s presence introduces the concept of material wealth and the spoils of England and draws parallels between the worth of foreigners and trade. This work explores the cultural circumstances for women at this time, contrasting European law with Māori culture and morality.
Lisa Reihana is a distinguished international figure in the field of digital arts whose large-scale video installation in Pursuit of Venus [infected], represented Aotearoa New Zealand at the Venice Biennale in 2017.
March 3, 2023
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