Lisa Reihana
Edition of 9 plus 2 AP
Captain Cook is recording the Transit of Venus, he is flanked by a Marine. Beside Cook is a clock with tripod legs, these were bolted to the deck. This was the clock used to create Grenwich Mean Time GMT to now housed in the Royal Society Library, London.
in Pursuit of Venus re-examines the European narrative of colonisation of the Pacific, challenging historical and contemporary stereotypes to return the gaze of imperialism with a speculative twist that disrupts notions of beauty, authenticity, history and myth. The panoramic video is a moving image interpretation of the French scenic wallpaper Les Sauvages de la Mer Pacifique (1804) by Joseph Dufour. Mirroring a widespread fascination with the Pacific voyages undertaken by Captain Cook, de Bougainville and de la Perouse, the wallpaper’s exotic themes referenced popular illustrations of that time. Two hundred years later, Maori artist Lisa Reihana employs twenty-first century digital technologies to animate Les Sauvages de la Mer Pacifique. Enlivened with the sights and sounds of dance and cultural ceremonies, a vast video panorama is populated by a myriad of people drawn from across New Zealand and the Pacific. in Pursuit of Venus makes visible some historical narratives absent from the original wallpaper, such as the brisk trade of iron and desirable goods for sexual favours, differing ideas of ownership and reciprocity resulted in misunderstandings and violent outbursts.
Lisa Reihana, Extracts (Solo Exhibition). Gallery Sally Dan-Cuthbert, Sydney. 27 March, 2023 - 30 April, 2023.