Lisa Reihana
In the early days of colonisation, when intermarriage, trading and the procurement of muskets were seen as essential to Māori survival, Māori Chief Huri Waka welcomes the fugitive Charlotte into his tribal homelands under his protection, thereby upsetting the traditional role of women in Aotearoa as the matriarchs, owners of property and spiritual custodians. Charlotte’s presence not only introduces the concept of material wealth and the spoils of England but also draws parallels between the worth of foreign women and the musket. As a Pakeha Māori—Europeans adopted and co-opted by the Māori—she is used to increase prowess, gain strategic ability and ultimately counteract the spread of Western power. He wai ngunguru, the installation’s centrepiece, explores these cultural circumstances for women, contrasting European law with Māori culture and morality.
Nomads of the Sea, 3D film, was exhibited on Cockatoo Island as part of NIRIN, Biennale of Sydney 2020.
Lisa Reihana, Nomads of the Sea (Solo Exhibition). Gallery Sally Dan-Cuthbert, Sydney. 5 March, 2020 - 10 May, 2020
Lisa Reihana, Nomads of the Sea. Biennale of Sydney, Cockatoo Island. 14 March, 2020 - 6 September, 2020
Emma-Kate Wilson. 2020. Interview - Lisa Reihana: Nomads of the sea. Artist Profile. 1 May.
Michaela Bear. 2020. Review - Lisa Reihana: Nomads of the sea. Vault. 1 May. Issue 30.
Biennale of Sydney. 2019. Lisa Reihana - Sydney Biennale. 14 March.
Neha Kale. 2020. Australian History Explored In Biennale of Sydney Artwork About Female Convict Turned Pirate. ABC News. 5 July.
Dr Alex Burchmore. 2020. Turning Inwards, And Outwards: Galleries In The Time Of Carona Virus. Art Monthly. April 7.
Emma-Kate Wilson. 2020. Auckland Art Fair. A rich Life Magazine. 2 May.